
Ever Faithful

It's starting to sink in. 

Ever since I finished exams, the reality of my upcoming adventure has begun to hit me in the face. When people say, "Hey Will, what are you up to this summer?", I respond saying, "You know, just living in Kenya for a while." Okay, now I'm usually not that nonchalant about it. But the fact is, I really haven't been taking myself seriously. While telling others about this opportunity and about God's faithfulness in bringing it all together, I've neglected to speak those same words to myself. But now, ever so slowly, I'm starting to get it.

"Your love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies." (Psalm 36:5)

If you're looking for proof of God's faithfulness, I'm your man. Time and time again He has showed up to provide a way. And yet, I still doubt Him. When faced with obstacles, I find myself trusting in my own strength rather than leaning on His understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6). So this time around, I chose to believe that God was going to make it happen. And here is how it went down...

$4,500 = the cost of my mission trip. 

In February, when God confirmed that I was going to serve in Kenya with Love Africa, I learned that the cost of the plane ticket was due in two weeks. I was up to my elbows in schoolwork so I didn't really have the time or motivation to begin fundraising. I had money in savings, however, and although it was supposed to go toward a car, I thought that a plane ticket to Kenya was a worthy way to spend it. That covered a third of the cost, but I was still $3,000 short. I applied for a travel grant through the Honors College at Clemson that I was confident I'd get. It would have covered the remaining cost of my trip, but my application was denied due to the nature of my trip. Apparently it was "too mission oriented." If I had instead written my application saying that I was traveling to Kenya to help orphans and improve the world, then I would have walked away with the 3K. That would have been far too easy. In my application, I made it clear that my objective was to serve the Most High God, and nothing less. Although this meant that the remaining cost would have to be raised elsewhere, it also meant that I would have to trust that God would make it happen. This was stretching. I prayed quite a bit. I thought that the longer I spent on my knees, the more He would provide. I don't think that's how it works though. God provides for His children because He values them (Matt. 6:25-34).

On April 23, $225.88 had been raised. I began to worry, knowing that $3,000 was supposed to be due in one week. One week later, God let His blessings flow. I got an email update saying that $2,579.63 had been raised. And someone told me that they would like to pay the remainder of the cost. 

He is so good! 7 days, 3 hours and 39 minutes from now, I will be arriving at the Nairobi airport and embarking on the adventure of a lifetime! I can't wait to see what the Father has prepared.


P.S. If you would like to receive an email each time I post to the blog, please add your email to the "Follow by Email" box on the right. I hope to post once a week while I'm in Kenya to share stories and let you know how you can pray specifically.